Easy-In Meditation

My takeaway from todays 15 minute meditation. Learning how to meditate isn't hard, it's just confusing due to the varies forms available. Learn a different way... Listen to instrumental music that makes you feel something good in your chest when you hear it. While listening, find a comfortable sitting position, without back support. Close your... Continue Reading →

Journaling 12052022

Schizotypal. New vocabulary word 🙂 Peculiar, eccentric or unusual thinking, beliefs or mannerisms. Suspicious thoughts and constant doubts of others. Few relationships, Belief in special powers, mental telepathy and superstitions. Unusual perceptions such as sensing an absent person's presence, and many other things. I'm struggling to find myself, a comfortable calm. With a mix of... Continue Reading →

Therapy Discussion Points 6/14

Next appointment: June 14, 2022 ding ding ding… spend more one on one time with them. Be more than a provider, be a friend. Visual reminders to make dates.  Why do I only have these realizations when I’m high? I’m a better, more compassionate person when I’m high. I feel.  Isn’t that ironic, stigma would... Continue Reading →

9 Women In A Room

What an eclectic group of women. I had a wonderful experience this weekend with 9 very different woman but yet we're all the same. GIRLS WEEKEND 2022 The BossThe HippieThe StonerThe ScientistThe NurseThe CrazyThe DreamerThe WildcardThe Realist, Woken, Empath, Non-filtered - I honestly don't know who I am. Sounds like a fucked up joke doesn't... Continue Reading →

Fascinating Mind Games

Have you ever believed in something so much that it "just was"? There's no changing it, it is what it is. Situations like that are much easier for me to manage, agree with, follow direction and so on. The ability to decide on having a piece of cake is much harder then the choice being... Continue Reading →

Nobody Wants To Hear This…

We need to biopsy your left breast to check for cancer. The amount of conflicting emotion is unmanageable. I don't know if I'm sad, mad, scared, okay, anxious or what I am BUT I do know the waiting game is bullshit. They need a faster process. I was so afraid the procedure was going to... Continue Reading →

Tarot Speaks Loud Today

One card draw. 7 of Wands upright. Element: Fire,Color: Yellow, Zodiac: Aries, Leo, Sagittarus. Symbolic: Self Defense, Career, Passion, Desire, Creativity, Energy, Winning. I see the look of determination and fight, his stance is strong and confident. He's had this fight before and he'll continue to have it again and again when challenged on his... Continue Reading →

Dear Diary

Thursday March 10, 2022 Listening to the elderly talked is literally my job. Today I laughed so hard when a women said to her son... "I'm not going to live forever, I'm not fancy, I'm not in stiletto heels, but can I get a window?" I believe the reference could have been her discussing her... Continue Reading →

Dear Diary

Wednesday March 9, 2022 Whats special about today? As I start this I feel like it was a pretty dull day without much life being lived. Woke. Worked. Cooked. Read. Meditated. But I need to look deeper. Woke, sure and it was splendid! I woke up, naturally, without an alarm, I laid in bed until... Continue Reading →

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